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Visitors 34
Modified 14-Dec-08
Created 11-Oct-08
90 photos

Beauty and the Beast, Dumb and Smarter, whatever you call 'em, they're cute enough to gag a maggot. Here's a random collection of shots of the Dork Boy and his favorite photographic subject, his muse, the joy of his life, Pilot Sue.
SueSue & BoogerMy wife, SusanPilot Sue & Pilot BobPilot SueIt's cold!SuePilot SueSparklin' SueThe Coast Guard's Worst NightmareAnother Coast Guard NightmareAren't we cute?Aren't we cute?Pilot Sue and Pilot BobDork BoyAren't we cute?Dork BoyDork Boy emergesA very rare wide eyed damsel fishSue

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