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Visitors 666
Modified 30-Jul-24
Created 3-Jul-08
53 photos

UH-34 at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 left gun Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 Tail rotor Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 Rotor Head Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 tail rotor at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 engine at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 engine at Thunder over Michigan 07The picture tells the story at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 Hoist at Thunder over Michigan 07About the UH-34 YN-19 at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 cargo bay at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 cockpit at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 cockpit at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 cockpit at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 hoisting at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 on the flightline at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 at Thunder over Michigan 07UH-34 exhaust detail Thunder over Michigan 07

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